Ndryshimi Midis "To Have", "Have Got" dhe "To Get"
Positive Sentences
I have He has
You have She has
We have It has
They have
Do I have? Does he have?
Do you have? Does she have?
Do we have? Does it have?
Do they have?
Negative Sentences
I don't have He doesn't have
You don't have She doesn't have
We don't have It doesn't have
They don't have
Positive Sentences
I have got He has got
You have got She has got
We have got It has got
They have got
Do I have? Does he have?
Do you have? Does she have?
Do we have? Does it have?
Do they have?
Negative Sentences
I have not got He has not got
You have not got She has not got
We have not got It has not got
They have not got
Të Përbashkëtat
Kanë të njëjtin kuptim. Të dyja përdoren për të folur:
➡ Për gjërat që kemi.
I have got a new computer.
She has got a new phone.
➡ Për marrëdhëniet me njerëzit.
Does Sarah have a brother?
Hasn’t Anna got a brother?
➡ Si dukemi.
Tini has blue eyes.
Ola hasn’t got blue eyes.
➡ Rreth sëmundjeve ose një gjendje të përkohshme.
I have/have got a problem.
I have/have got a cold.
➡ Përdorim "to have dhe jo "have got“, për të folur për gjërat që bëjmë, psh:
I have a cup of tee at 10 o’clock.
She has breakfast everyday at 8 o’clock.
He is having a shower at the moment.
➡ “Have got” përdoret vetëm në kohën e tashme.
➡ Përdoret në kuptimin e “have/have got”, por kur e ke përfituar diçka.
I got a book. (Do të thotë që ke një libër, por e more nga diku/dikush)
I got a new phone.
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