Indirect Questions & Class Vocabulary

Indirect Questions

Kur flasim, "indirect questions" (pyetjet jo të drejtpërdrejta) janë zakonisht pyetje me më shumë mirësjellje ose më formale se "direct questions" (pyetjet e drejtpërdrejta).

➡ Një "direct question" është një pyetje që fillon me një fjalë pyetëse: what, who, where, why, when, how.

What time is it?

➡ Një "indirect question" është një pyetje brenda një fjalie.

Do you know what time it is?

How do we form indirect questions?

1. With the verb ‘to be’: Switch the subject and ‘to be’ verb:

What time is it? (direct)

Do you know what time it is? (indirect)

2. With do/does/did: Do not switch the subject and verb. Simply remove ‘do/does/did’.

Remember to change the main verb accordingly: add an -s to the main verb when you remove ‘does’ and change the main verb to the past tense when you remove ‘did’.

Where do they live?

Do you know where they live?

[= not “Do you know where ‘do’ they live?”]

Where does she live?

→ Do you know where she lives?

[= not “Do you know where ‘does’ she live?”]

3. With a question word subject: When the subject of a direct question is a question word/phrase (who, what, what time), the word order does not change.

Who runs fastest?

→ Do you know who runs fastest?

4. With yes-no questions: Use ‘if’ after the question markers (‘do you know’). Then change the verb appropriately (for instance, make it past tense if you took out ‘did’).

Did she study for the exam?

Do you know if she studied for the exam?

Class Vocabulary

to ask – pyes

to explain – shpjegoj

to observe – vëzhgoj

to paint – pikturoj

to spell – gërmëzoj

to experiment – eksperimentoj

to give – jap

to show – shfaq

to sing – këndoj

to say – them

to teach – jap mësim/shpjegoj

to think – mendoj

to read – lexoj

to study – studioj/mësoj

to cut – pres

to calculate – llogaris

to count – numëroj

to draw – vizatoj

to open – hap

to close – mbyll

to play – luaj

to listen - dëgjoj

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